
I'm just going to say up-front that the genus delosperma is huge and there are lots of different species that look very similar, so I wouldn't be shocked if some of ours are misidentified. We try out best. It you are an expert, let us know what we got wrong. Aside from the taxonomic difficulties, I love 'em. I wouldn't mind a little more hardiness, but several of the species are reliable for us, and we're always trying new ones. They do root easily from cuttings, so if you are worried about overwintering, it never hurts to root some in a sunny windowsill so you have a backup if they freeze.

Product Image Item Name Price-
Delosperma 'Broncoensis'

Delosperma 'Broncoensis'

Seed grown, there will be some surprises!


Delosperma 'John Proffit'

Delosperma 'John Proffit'

One of the showest, the big magenta flowers keep coming more or less constantly all summer long. Some people claim it is hardy to zone 4...that may be true in the dry, Western US, but zone 6 is probably more reasonable for the East.


Delosperma 'Lesoto Pink'

Delosperma 'Lesoto Pink'

Large, magental flowers produced in abundance in the spring over very nice, dense mats of foliage. Zone 5 hardy out West where it is dry.Will need superb drainage to be that hardy here.


Delosperma ashtonii

Delosperma ashtonii

Extremely showy large pink flowers, leaves broad for a delosperma. One of the hardiest, to zone 5 in dry climates. May even be hardy here with careful placement.


Delosperma basuticum

Delosperma basuticum

Totally flat, small carpet of leaves, flowers are clear yellow with a neat white center. May be my favorite delosperma flower, and super hardy, to zone 4.


Delosperma congestum 'Gold Nugget'

Delosperma congestum 'Gold Nugget'

One of the very few actually hardy ice plants for us, if it has perfect winter drainage. Remember, for a lot of these succulents, it isn't the cold that kills them as much as the wet. The succulent foliage forms a tight, dense little mat almost flat to the ground, topped with quite lovely intense yellow flowers that sit right on top of the foliage. Beautiful in a rock garden or trough, great to combine with hardy cacti for a desert look. Zone 5 – Joseph


Delosperma ecklonis v. latifolia

Delosperma ecklonis v. latifolia

A new introduction with low cushions of cylindrical succulent foliage and purple mesemb daisies; it is in bloom most of the summer.


Delosperma sp. ex 'Beaufort West'

Delosperma sp. ex 'Beaufort West'

A collection from high in the Niewveld Mountains outside Beaufort West in the Karroo the cushions are smothered from spring till frost in the fall with small light pink daisies.
