
In cultivation and hybridized for hundreds of years and growing in every garden around the world. But have you ever seen wild Peonies? For many years we purchased every collection of wild Peonie seed that Halda and others ever offered and being hoarders we hung on to all of them and eventually planted them on one of our conifer berms. Over the years they just got bigger and better and a few years ago I dug and divided several plants and will offer divisions for sale, but there is of course limited numbers and you should act quickly if there is a particular one you really want, they need to be shipped and planted in the fall and we cannot ship them any other time, just like ALL field dug Peonies. Peonies are wonderful, tough, long-lived garden plants but incredibly, frustratingly, slow to propagate. That is why we are thrilled to FINALLY have enough of some very unusual, rarely -- if ever -- available species. Grab these plants while you have a chance, every garden is better for having more peonies in it, and when these sell out it could be long time before we have enough to offer them again. We now also offer seedlings from our plants in the garden and they will vary some from the seed-parent (the picture by each variety offered) but should be pretty close. Those are pot grown and we can ship them anytime.