
CORYDALIS A huge genus of with over 300 species that most taxonomists place in the Papaveraceae, some are bulbous, some are creeping woodlanders; the flower colors are intense, in virtually every visible wavelength and a few that only the Bumblebees can see. Most are easy to the point of being weedy, (they have explosively dehiscent seed that is intolerant of dry storage) although there are legendary rarities like Corydalis cashmiriana that border on the un-growable. The following offer offers but a glimpse of the wealth they have to offer.

Product Image Item Name Price+
Convallaria majalis 'Creme Da Mint'

Convallaria majalis 'Creme Da Mint'

A rather broad leaved edged form, that Hans Hansen was kind enough to share with us. This is the best edged form we have seen.____ZONE 4 .


Convallaria majalis 'White Margin'

Convallaria majalis 'White Margin'

A decent variegated lily of the valley! Nice, narrow white edges to the leaves. In all other features form the intensely fragrant white flower to the sometimes overly aggressive spreading habit, the same as the regular species.


Cotyledon orbiculare

Cotyledon orbiculare

Spectacular looking with big gray fleshy round leaves with a reddish edge and brilliant orange red flowers on meter high plants. Halda collected this up high in the Drakensburg back in the mid 90's, it probably is the most cold hardy form in cultivation although it melted outside for Dick and Tony; it may be great out west. In terms of floral display and foliage effect, no other succulent we grow even comes close.____ZONE 6
