Ep - Er

ERYNGIUM Eryngium is a trendy genus in the last few years and justifiably so, wonderful bold accent plants, taprooted and very drought tolerant. They resent transplanting once established, and seed can be a challenge to germinate, although plants of most species present no problems. If you can't make up your mind which one to grow, do what we do. -- Grow 'em all.

Product Image Item Name Price-
Ephedera americana

Ephedera americana

Ephederas are a strange, unique group of plants. Probably best known as a dietary supplement for weight loss, but is currently illegal for use as a supplement because of the whole problem with people dying. Not to good. But don't let the fact that this is a terrible thing to eat stop you from enjoying the fact that it is a beautiful addition to the garden. Their highly toxic nature makes them absolutely pest proof, even deer and rabbits won't mess with it, and the narrow, upright, green stems makes a beautiful and very different look in the garden. Female plants will produce small, bright orange-red fleshy berry like cones. These plants are unsexed seedlings, so we can't guarantee the sex you'll get. Extraordinarily tolerant of dry, but thrives equally well in wetter conditions, all-in-all a very beautiful, very unique, and entirely bullet-proof plant. Zone 5, maybe colder


Erodium manescavii

Erodium manescavii

A large showy species from the Pyrenees this is very permanent for us, having persisted for years in our rock garden, is sows about moderately but has never been a weed with large magenta flowers for months we think it is one of the best large Erodiums.____ZONE 5


Erodium chrysanthum

Erodium chrysanthum

A dioecious species, this is a female form, with sulfur yellow flowers with faint reddish veining and purple pistils, males forms, which flower less freely, produce pale yellow to near white unveined flowers with pink anthers, it is a beautiful plant from the stony areas of Greece and quite slow to multiply.____ZONE 5


Eryngium caeruleum (caucasicum)

Eryngium caeruleum (caucasicum)

A smaller species, with round, non-spiny leaves and the usual round heads of flowers surrounded by a collar of bracts that are (as the name suggests) flushed with blue. Zone 5, guessing.


Eryngium campastre

Eryngium campastre

A glaucous perennial to 60cm tall it's native to Europe and S.W. Asia with the typical heads of flowers surrounded by bluish white spiny bracts up to 4.5cm long.____ZONE 4


Eryngium planum 'Blue Hobbit'

Eryngium planum 'Blue Hobbit'

A dwarf selection, much like the other selections of this species, only it stops at a foot or so tall. Good for a small garden, but a much less graceful plant than the taller selections. Zone 4.


Eryngium yuccafolium

Eryngium yuccafolium

Very different look than most of this genus, leaves are indeed very yucca-like, long, narrow, and strap-like, edged with small, non-lethal, teeth. Leaves rise 2-3 feet, and then in late summer, the flowers come up a couple feet above that, big clusters of greenish-white spheres that all but lack the usual Ernygium bracts. Will grow just about anywhere, but inclined to be floppy unless grown lean and in full sun. Zone 3


Erigeron perigrinus

Erigeron perigrinus

An outstanding Fleabane native from Oregon to Alaska, compact plants with abundant purple daisies.____ZONE 5


Erigeron vetensis

Erigeron vetensis

Another tiny little clump former with pale, pale blue daisy flowers
