
Product Image Item Name Price+
Eupatorium coelistinum

Eupatorium coelistinum

Now more properly known as Conoclinium coelestinum, but we'll keep it as eupatorium for now since that is what most people know it by, and since I can't for the life of me seem to remember the new name. Whatever you call it, a killer plant. It grows 2-3 feet tall, and starting in mid summer pumps out an endless supply of clusters of fluffy little, ageratum-like, lavender blue flowers right up to frost. Adored by butterflies. It can spread a lot in ideal conditions, but is easily pulled when it ventures where it isn't wanted. Zone 5


Escobaria leei

Escobaria leei

An extremely hardy, extremely small cacti, only a couple inches tall, forming a clump up to six inches across after several years. Pale pink flowers are quite large for the size of the plant. Very beautiful geometic arrangements of spines, and not particularly lethal for a cacti. I wouldn't recommend cuddling it, but it isn't obnoxiously vicious the way opuntias are. Zone 4 with good drainage
